PenCarrie Data Exports
There are a number of different export sets available from PenCarrie:
Please note that when downloading this data from PenCarrie servers, you need to specify a username and password, please call us for this information.
CSV Export
CSV Export - this is one file containing all the product data for every product - it's big and you'll need the image pack separately or alternatively you can link to the live images using the URL's suggested in the export itself.
Download the latest version here
Standard Developers Pack
This pack contains a few options for your convenience. There's a Microsoft SqlServer export, MySql export, XML export and an Image pack.
Download the latest version here
Image Pack
This pack contains the hero image, brand and sub logo images for all products.
Download the latest version here
Other formats may be available on special request. Please contact us with a detailed set of your requirements and we'll let you know how we can accommodate you.